SEGA Megadrive Classics - SWI
Referencia 2221630
Condición: Nuevo producto
Fabricante: KOCH MEDIA
EAN: 5055277034642
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- Guarda la partida en cualquier momento.
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- La mayor colección de clásicos retros en un solo pack.
- Incluye póster de doble cara: Streets of Ragey Golden Axe.
Juegos Incluidos
Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle - Alien Soldier - Alien Storm - Altered Beast - Beyond Oasis Bio-Hazard Battle - Bonanza Bros.- Columns - Columns III: Revenge of Columns - Comix Zone Crack Down - Decap Attack - Dr. Robotnik-s Mean Bean Machine - Dynamite Headdy ESWAT: City Under Siege - Fatal Labyrinth - Flicky - Gain Ground - Galaxy Force II - Golden Axe Golden Axe II - Golden Axe III - Gunstar Heroes - Kid Chameleon - Landstalker - Light Crusader Phantasy Star II - Phantasy Star III: Generations of Doom - Phantasy Star IV: The End of the Millennium - Ristar - Shadow Dancer: The Secret of Shinobi - Shining Force - Shining Force II Shining in the Darkness - Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master - Sonic 3D Blast - Sonic Spinball Sonic the Hedgehog - Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - Space Harrier II - Streets of Rage - Streets of Rage 2 Streets of Rage 3 - Super Thunder Blade - Sword of Vermilion - The Revenge of Shinobi Toe Jam & Earlin Panicon Funkotron - Toe Jam & Earl - Vectorman - Vectorman 2 - Virtua Fighter 2 Wonder Boy III: Monster Lair - Wonder Boy in Monster World.